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Art - especially literature and visual art - for me is about expressing emotion. 


Ein Buch muß die Axt sein für das gefrorene Meer in uns. Das glaube ich(Franz Kafka, letter to Oskar Pollak)


El objeto del arte es quitar el polvo a la vida diaria de nuestras almas.  (Pablo Picasso)


…la parole humaine est comme un chaudron fêlé où nous battons des mélodies à faire danser les ours, quand on voudrait attendrir les étoiles.  (Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary)


Зато, думал я, мое искусство не рассуждает, оно — расплавленный свинец, лазурь души, изливающаяся на холст. (Marc Chagall, My Life)



The artist works organically, dragging the image towards coherence through the interplay of light and form without trying for too representative a construction. This has developed into a “palimpsest” style of painting; overpainting the canvas and scraping back the build-up of paint several times, taking the painting through various iterations. The result leaves a tracery that adds dynamic depth to the painting.  See this article for Picasso's view on dust - and art  'layers'.


SALLY BROWN  held her first exhibtiion in Johannesburg before taking a long break to focus on a research career. Having taught modernist and Russian art at  2 UK universities, Sally is now returning to the practice  of art.



  • German expressionism

  • Kandinskii

  • South African abstract landscapes

    This is Gracie, the studio cat. 

The new studio - goodbye to darkness  and spiders.

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